General > Video Games

What Film/Telly Series/Book Should Be Turned Into A Video Game..?


I've been saying for years that someone should make a Day of The Triffids video game. It would be awesome!!! I was even in the process of working on a design document for a Triffids game before Eidos decided that only people with a design Degree working in the Design Department could submit video game ideas. Ridiculous decision tbh, you could have someone without any design experience or qualifications working in another department with an idea of an IP as strong as Tomb Raider or Championship Manager which would go undiscovered. Anyway, I digress...

I've also wanted to see a Bladerunner type game set in the Bladerunner universe where you have to track down replicants in a busy city full of people.

What do you reckon..?

Diskworld. And not a poxy point and click adventure, but some sort of first or third person rpg.
The Elder Scrolls are half-way there. Give Skyrim a massive infusion of comedy and characters from the Diskworld books and the job's halfway done.

Omg, that would be fantastic. :o

The Discworld novels are amazing, you always get funny looks from people when you have laugh out loud moments on public least I think it's me laughing out loud whilst reading the books :P

Where I think a lot of licenced games go wrong is that they're based around the story of a particular film/telly series/book rather than being in the same universe. You always know what's going to happen next in these things. Aliens Colonial Marines is doing the right thing, having a new story set in the Aliens universe, there are going to be surprises along the way.

Stargate SG1 should be made into a video game! :)

Omg, that would be awesome :o

Dexter would make an awesome video game too if done right. Have an open world sandbox game that would be similar to the CSI games when he's working, have him checking out the police compuper to track victims and then trapping, killing and disposing of the bodies. You could even have developers updating the game with new victims daily and have a leaderboard showing the best serial killers lol.


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