Author Topic: Weird Food  (Read 4393 times)

Offline jman

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Weird Food
« on: February 28, 2020, 02:29:39 AM »
What's the weirdest food concoctions you've ever eaten?  Can be good weird or bad weird.

I was surprised to hear recently that some people in my office had eaten super noodle sandwiches... I thought that was just something I made up.. but apparently not, they are delicious, I'd recommend chicken or bacon, they work the best.

Also a pie sandwich - probably not weird for any northerners but we have a cracking pie shop in reading.. and to put a pie between two slices of bread is the best thing ever.

I also remember eating baked beans pizza a lot in my student days.  Pretty grim thinking back on it.

But nothing has come close to the weird shit I ate tonight.. KFC has started selling chicken donut burgers in the states.. a piece of chicken sandwiched between two large Krispy kremes.. I love KFC and I love donuts, so how could it be wrong... I didnt even have to swallow the first bite to know I'd made a fatal error in judgement.. it was fucking vile.  Chicken and waffles is good.. chicken and donuts.. not good..  this picture doesnt really do justice to just how sickly and disgusting it was..

Offline harv

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Re: Weird Food
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 11:24:30 PM »
Lmfao 😂😂😂

I don't think I've ever eaten anything weird, I like my food too much to run the risk of potentially ruining it 😂

I was amazed by a drink concoction though. Donkey's years ago I was in a pub that opened from 10:30pm to 2am, and they ALWAYS had lock ins.

One of the regulars had a gin, tequila and orange juice. I thought he was insane. Gin tastes fucking disgusting on it's own, so does tequila...

...but if you combine the two they cancel each other out. It's like fucking witchcraft 😯😂😂😂

So when I go on the piss (something I haven't done for a LONG time now!) I always have gin, tequila, vodka and orange.

It's fucking AMAZING!

I bought myself an Omelette Maker a few weeks ago and have been eating LOADS of the things. My favourite at the moment is cheese, onion and hot pepperoni omelettes. They're LOVELY 😎😁😎
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

Thomas Covenant, Unbeliever