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Do you collect anything?


The Borg:
Do you collect anything?

For me, I collect football scarves anywhere me and my partner travel and stay. I have scarves from teams in Tallinn, Helsinki, Dublin, Basel, Hamburg and various UK ones. My favourite is the Kawkab Marrakech scarf I picked up in Morocco. Haggling with a local in a Souk in the town centre. Probably overpaid but hey ho, who has a Kawkab Marrakech scarf outside of Morocco  8)

The Borg:

Nope, I don't collect anything. I used to collect stamps when I was a kid though.

I guess the closest thing to collecting something is game consoles, but I sold my PS2 about 20 years or so ago and gave my PS1 to a mate of mine a few years ago. Have still got my Wii, Wii U,
 Xbox 360 and PS3 though.

Wish I still had my PS2 though, loved that console but I was pretty desperate for cash at the time. Sold my two bass guitars around the same sort of time too.

I collect Pokemon cards. Have a really good big collection and used to collect since a very young age. Lots of my cards are worth quite a bit now and it's become a big game collecting trading cards.

Harv, I still have my consoles; PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Sega Mega Drive 2, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, Did have the N64 aswell but gave it away to a local youth centre.


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