Author Topic: Video Games Thread  (Read 714414 times)

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2280 on: October 22, 2013, 04:36:14 PM »
Yeah, I've been in two minds about the controller, too...
It's very rare we play two-player splitscreen in my house these days. But one of the kids likes driving games and is keen to play Forza, and racers are always more fun multiplayer of course - so I could do with a second controller for that.

Most of my gaming is COD, natch, and the kids have played a bit of split screen with me on occasion - but have hardly ever been online. That's mainly because they couldn't because I'm the only one with a gold account. (They've each had a month here and there.)
But on the One everyone can play multiplayer so long as I've got one gold account, so it's possible the kids might play a little bit of COD, too. I'd enjoy that. I believe there's also a splitscreen multiplayer mode where you can customise teams with players and/or NPCs. We used to love playing like that on PDZ back in the day, so I possibly need three controllers.
They might not play COD much, but if I don't get a spare controller they won't play at all.

I figure my best bet is to get a second controller at launch, even though it might not get used much. In the unlikely event we decide we need three (for COD or for anything else) I can look into getting a third - but I won't mind waiting a while to get a third tbh.

It helps that there aren't many launch games I'm mad keen for. If there were several games I wanted I'd probably just get those and put off getting a second controller for a month or two.

If you're going to Game you're probably better off doing it sooner rather than later. Their trade-in values aren't going up. ;)
(TBH, with the older games, they're probably not going down much either.)
As mentioned previously, they'll give you £1 over CEX on the total rather than on each game. But your best bet is probably to assume it's £1 extra per game, and hope they agree - act amazed if they tell you it's only £1 on the total.
If you can be arsed to argue with them the managers are flexible, so you can get extra. I've done so a few times - but it can be a bit of a ball-acher.
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Offline jman

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2281 on: October 23, 2013, 09:29:45 AM »
Well I stuck GTA5 on ebay last night.. should get £30 cleared after fees.. would be happy with that.

Titanfall release date got announced the other day - 11th March - cant wait for that!!

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2282 on: October 23, 2013, 11:32:30 AM »
Tis looking pretty bloody amazing, that Titanfall. :D

(Coming to xb1, xb360, and pc)

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2283 on: October 23, 2013, 12:21:52 PM »
Have been checking out reviews for Rocksmith 2014 which I should be getting delivered on Friday (although we are talking about Zavvi here so it's quite likely to be late). Looks like they've taken notice of the feedback from the first game and fixed the issues that it had for the sequel.

They shifted focus from it being more of a game to more of an out and out teaching tool whilst still having the Guitarcade games and multiplayer that the first one had. All looking pretty good so far. Haven't played for a while but am in the process of sorting out my frets and intonation on my SG so should be all set up for Friday 8)

The song list is looking pretty good too, a nice variety of stuff. I'll post it in a minute.
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Offline ancelotti

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2284 on: October 23, 2013, 12:50:42 PM »
Are the rumours true regarding COD: Ghosts on the Xbox One only being able to run at 720p? Whereas it's 1080p on the PS4? I've also been hearing about OS problems. More than a bit worrying if true. I did ponder how MS would effectively make 3 OS's run in tandem.

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2285 on: October 23, 2013, 01:42:02 PM »
You'll probably see a lot of the One games running in 900p native but I wouldn't worry about that too much, there isn't a great deal of difference. Most people don't sit with the right viewing difference between themselves and their telly to appreciate 1080p anyway.
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2286 on: October 23, 2013, 02:43:41 PM »
We're all well aware of your complete lack of understanding of resolutions, Harv. (Don't bother to deny it or bluff your way around the issue - you've demonstrated it time and time again, and I really can't be arsed with shooting you down on it yet again.)

Are the rumours true regarding COD: Ghosts on the Xbox One only being able to run at 720p? Whereas it's 1080p on the PS4? I've also been hearing about OS problems. More than a bit worrying if true. I did ponder how MS would effectively make 3 OS's run in tandem.
It's a worrying rumour that one. I hear Activition have non-disclosure agreements in place to stop anyone talking about the resolutions on the console versions, so there's no official word, just rumour and anecdotal evidence (such as Activition publishing screenshots of ps4 version at 1080p but not publishing any xb1 screenies at that resolution).

Doesn't directly affect me personally, at the moment, as my tv is only 720p (ironically, a console outputting something at 720p will actually look slightly better on my telly than a console outputting at 1080p would), but it's worrying all the same - partly because I anticipate being on 1080p at some point in a few years' time (I'm in no rush) and partly because the very fact, if true, they're only doing 720p indicates they're struggling for power.

Hopefully the rumours are either completely untrue, or it's just an anomaly this year while they get used to working with the ES-RAM. My understanding is the ES-RAM is inherently less "powerful" than the RAM in the Playstation, but is so much more flexible - so should effectively produce better graphics than Sony's machine if developers can get used to it and fully utilise it - but they're struggling with it in these early days.
I'm not very tech savvy with hardware, though, so I'm only going off what I've heard elsewhere...

I've heard nothing about OS problems.
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2287 on: October 23, 2013, 03:33:36 PM »
Your average person doesn't sit the required distance from their tellies to tell the difference between 720p and 1080p native let alone 900p and 1080p...most people sit too far away from their tellies. 1080p native graphics will look better than 900p native graphics but there isn't going to be a great deal of difference.
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2288 on: October 23, 2013, 04:12:18 PM »
You're partly right, partly wrong, and partly missing the main point - but I've already said I'm not going over it again and I'm sticking to that.

Have just now read a report saying the xb1 and ps4 are almost identical in terms of power, graphics, and ease of development according to Shinji Mikami (best known for Resident Evil).
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Offline jman

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2289 on: October 24, 2013, 07:00:52 PM »
Finally hit 99980GS.. lol  ;D  The original plan was to play Kinect Adventures to get the majority of the score up.. then use Limbo as a lot of the achievements on that game are just 10pointers which are spaced out over the story so I could just get enough before stopping playing.. but when I came to play it, I remembered I installed Limbo from a disc pack and I had sold it - d'oh.. so put Doritos Crash Course 2 on.. and got a few easy ones there.. was lucky because I unlocked a 15 pointer achievement accidently - fortunately I still had 25GS to get at that point so it actually helped speed things up - but my heart stopped a second when I saw an unexpected achievement pop  ;D

Lost Odyssey going in on Saturday!


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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2290 on: October 24, 2013, 07:20:52 PM »
Bah!!! Going to have to bring my SG into a guitar shop for fret leveling before I can start on Rocksmith 2014 properly. Was going togget some wire wool and do it myself because I thought there were only two that needed doing but I checked it earlier and there's loads of them that aren't level. Oh well, you get what you pay for I guess lol. Will have to make do with my strat in the meantime but I need to do some work on that at some point.

Mind you, knowing how shite Zavvi are I probably won't get it until next week lol ;D

The feedback on this has been great so far, I thought it would be too. I kind of saw the first game as a Beta version and was originally planning on getting a pirate version to test it out and buy a cable separately but found a new game on eBay with the cable for less than the price of a separate cable so it all worked out nicely.

Not too sure where I'm going to get the 50 quid to get my SG sorted though, hopefully I'll get some cash for my birthday on Monday otherwise I'll have to raid my William Hill account lol.
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2291 on: October 25, 2013, 11:00:25 PM »
Another Platinum knocked out...Far Cry 3 makes it 59 for me now, I gotta be honest though, even though I did find it enjoyable, I'd definitely question it as a Game of the Year contender, which it was...

Story missions are by far the most interesting aspect of the game, but the side stuff is so mundane and repetitive...Hunter Quests, Liberating Outposts, De-activating radio towers, Supply drop quests...Everything follows the same pattern for completion, and the tasks just get boring after you've done the first 2/3 because they never change and vary in any way. It's actualy a good job the trophy list was really half-assed (and I don't say that often), because beating everything in the game would have been one of the most tedious grinds ever....Thankfully you don't have to though, which makes me believe they probably realised the sheer tedium would ignite a plague of bordem-induced suicides from those who wanted to complete the trophy/achievement list, so good call there I think.

Great story though, excellent bad guys and varied and interesting missions, which is pretty much the games only redeeming feature. Co-op is fucking naff though.

I started God of War : Ascension earlier this week too, which is a wicked game so far, but you can always get that guarantee from a GoW game.

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2292 on: October 26, 2013, 01:21:34 AM »
Fuck me ragged with a wire brush, Ubisoft. Rocksmith 2014 is as buggy as fuck lol. For starters you can't use anything other than an onboard soundcard because it breaks the sound. And when I installed it I couldn't get past the second loading screen just aftertthe various splash screens when it starts up. So I uninstalled it and re-installed it and it worked okay...JUST ONCE lololol. And if that wasn't bad enough there's a really annoying bug that turns down the recorder on the guitar cable to 17 which breaks the tuning, so you have to Alt+Tab and turn the volume up lmfao. It's probably going to be a bunch of easy fixes to sort it all out with a patch but I can't believe they released the PC SKU in this state :o ;D
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2293 on: October 26, 2013, 05:16:43 PM »
Sorted out my problems being stuck on the loading screen now after checking my hard drive. Haven't looked at the log yet but I reckon there were problems with my system files somewhere because after that check it's working fine. Had a quick go and it's a vast improvement over the first Rocksmith. No audio or video lag this time around, virtually no loading times and from what little I've seen of it so far they've improved and added to the teaching side of the game.

A good mixture of songs too, although I'd prefer more classic rock and blues tracks tbh. I'll post a list of the songs in a bit.

No news on custom DLC yet though, I really hope the whizz kids can work it all out again because there's thousands of songs thatppeople have done for the first game which was really cool. 8)
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #2294 on: October 26, 2013, 05:25:55 PM »
Aerosmith - "Walk This Way"
Alice Cooper - "No More Mr. Nice Guy"
Alice in Chains - "Stone"
Arctic Monkeys - "R U Mine?"
Avenged Sevenfold - "Bat Country"
Bob Dylan - "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"
Boston - "Peace of Mind"
Bush - "Machinehead"
B'z - "Ultra Soul"
Def Leppard - "Pour Some Sugar on Me (2012)"
Deftones - "My Own Summer (Shove It)"
EarlyRise - "Wasteland"
Fang Island - "Chompers"
Foo Fighters - "Everlong"
Gold Motel - "Brand New Kind of Blue"
Green Day - "X-Kid"
Iron Maiden - "The Trooper"
Jack White - "Sixteen Saltines"
Jaws - "Stay In"
Joe Satriani - "Satch Boogie"
Kiss - "Rock and Roll All Nite"
La Sera - "Love That's Gone"
Magic Wands - "Black Magic"
Mastodon - "Blood and Thunder"
Minus the Bear - "Cold Company"
Monster Truck - "Sweet Mountain River"
Muse - "Knights of Cydonia"
Nirvana - "Heart Shaped Box"
Oasis - "Don't Look Back in Anger"
Pantera - "Cemetery Gates"
Paramore - "Now"
Paws - "Sore Tummy"
Queen - "We Are the Champions"
Radiohead - "Paranoid Android"
Ramones - "Blitzkrieg Bop"
Ratt - "Round and Round"
Red Fang - "Wires"
R.E.M. - "Losing My Religion"
Rise Against - "Savior"
Rush - "The Spirit of Radio"
Screaming Females - "Rotten Apple"
Slayer - "War Ensemble"
Splashh - "All I Wanna Do"
System of a Down - "Hypnotize"
Tak Matsumoto - "Go Further"
The Dear Hunter - "Stuck on a Wire Out on a Fence"
The Kinks - "You Really Got Me"
The Police - "Every Breath You Take"
The Rolling Stones - "Paint It Black"
The Shins - "For a Fool"
The Smashing Pumpkins - "The Chimera"
The Who - "My Generation"
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - "Mary Jane's Last Dance"
Weezer - "Say It Ain't So"
White Zombie - "Thunder Kiss '65"

Not a bad mixture there, although there's no hope in hell that I'll be playing any Satriani anytime soon unless someone batters me with a large Talent Stick lol :P
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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