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General => The REST Room => Topic started by: jman on January 14, 2014, 11:18:53 AM

Title: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 14, 2014, 11:18:53 AM
Fucking doctor has diagnosed me with mumps... how the fuck can I catch that at my age ??  My cheeks have swelled to gigantic proportions (maybe overstating that a tad) and my face aches... I look like a bloody hamster at the moment.

...personally I think they have misdiagnosed me, I don't have a fever or a cold or a headache or swollen testicles (which can happen LOL) - but I do have swollen cheeks, some dull aching and a constant dry mouth... we'll see, my hospital records don't indicate I've had the vaccination for it so she took a blood test, should find out Thursday.

But with mumps being quite contagious and all the boys at work being older than me and probably not had the vaccinations either... I've got at least 3 days off work regardless.. time to do all those bits at home that I never get round to do.. like sitting on the sofa playing xbox  :P ;)
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Late on January 14, 2014, 03:33:54 PM
Commiserations/Congratulations mate.

Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 14, 2014, 05:53:19 PM
Lol thanks, I think the novelty of not going to work has worn off now, my face has swollen even further and I can feel the start of a cold fever coming on... I don't like this anymore  :'(  I'm now thinking I definitely have mumps

You know those fat face apps you can get (like fatbooth), that take a picture and make your face appear fatter, yeah, that's what I look like normally now lol

Anyone else had mumps before?  The pressure on my ears just seems to be getting worse and worse with the swelling, it's very painful, especially when trying to chew/eat
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on January 14, 2014, 06:47:47 PM
Had it when I was a kid and just remember that it's not pleasant :-\

Supposed to be even worse if you're an adult and it can make you sterile :o
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on January 14, 2014, 06:50:28 PM
I seem to remember hearing that some parents arrange for Mumps Parties when one of their kids has it so that they're all infected with it to prevent them getting it later on as an adult.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 14, 2014, 07:41:07 PM
I think that was back before the MMR vaccinations came into effect in 1988 as in was a very common virus to catch back then

Yeah it can make you sterile, although that's quite rare, 10% of men have lower sperm counts if their betty swollocks swell up, I'm still good on that front at the moment lol

It can also cause temporary deafness and pancreatitis  :o. I can relate with the deafness thing as theres so much pressure around my ears, paracetamol and ibuprofen seem to be working quite well though, and warm compresses seem to stop it hurting so much
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on January 14, 2014, 09:52:34 PM
Nowt to do with Mumps but still medical related, I'm shitting bricks at the moment cos I'm having laser surgery on my mince pies on the 23rd. They stick special contact lenses in them that stop you from blinking, cut into the eyeball and then zap it with a laser. :o :(

Doesn't hurt much apparently but I've always hated the idea of contact lenses, putting things in your eyes is bloody gross. :o :-\
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 15, 2014, 04:38:11 AM
Can't sleep a bloody wink  :(  I took some pills at 2:30, but I've got quite bad nausea and I can't get comfortable, I'm definitely sick of mumps now

So I was thinking earlier how many viruses/diseases I've had now, there's a lot!

Whooping cough
Petit mal seizures
German measles
Chicken pox

Then I've had a few broken bones through the years for good measure!

So you are having corrective surgery then Harv, how the fuck have you swung that on the NHS?
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on January 15, 2014, 10:44:32 AM
Nope, not corrective surgery to stop me from wearing specs. It's surgery to fix the damage caused by my diabetes to prevent me from going blind in the future. :(

Even if I could get corrective surgery done I wouldn't do it because I'm bloody terrified :'(
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Late on January 15, 2014, 10:49:34 AM
Has been read by those who matter. No point leaving it for posterity.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on January 15, 2014, 03:43:12 PM
Shit, sorry to hear about all that late :o
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Late on January 15, 2014, 04:08:35 PM
Thanks mate.

Sorry to bring the mood down, chaps!
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on January 15, 2014, 07:17:31 PM
Sorry to hear all that Late. Bit of a nightmare.

Myself, had chicken pox year before last, on top of bronchitis, got admitted to hospital as there is a 30% mortality rate if you have chicken pox and pneumonia at the same time. Had to discharge myself though. (I think I posted a picture on here at the time). Lost two stone. Never been as ill in my life. They say kids diseases are far worse when you get them as an adult (if I could have the chicken pox again without the feeling shite part of it, I could do with losing the two stone again lol).

I've had pneumonia before, didn't realise I had it until I collapses after a boxing match and got taken to hospital (I won with a first round knockout).

Along with the chest x-rays from that, I've had so many x-rays I'm surprised I'm not radiocative. Broken right arm in three places, tib and fib in right leg, left hand, chipped my skull, broken nose twice, right foot, two ribs, numerous muscle tears, damaged tendons in both shoulders (had both shoulders operated on in the past three years), had a rusty nail go through my left achilles which then went septic, dislocated both shoulders on more than one occasion, dislocated left hip plus a total of 20 stitiches (the worst cut requiring 9 when I chipped my skull). Oh and currently have a hernia that my gp keeps telling me isn't a problem.

Apart from those, nothing really serious.

Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on January 15, 2014, 09:07:20 PM
I've been very lucky so far with broken bones, just broke my hand back when I was having my nervous breakdown in 92. Didn't get it treated either which is a bit of a daft thing not to do. Wasn't the whole hand, just two knuckles.

Was really surprised that I didn't get my nose, cheekbone and left eye socket seriously damaged years ago when I had an attempted mugging. My face was a real mess, so much so that one of the policemen asked me if they had used a knuckle duster or some other sort of weapon. :o The mate I was with wasn't so lucky, he broke his hip which is a really big deal for someone who's left leg was completely fucked due to polio when he was a kid. I didn't go down though, I've so far never been knocked out in my life by anyone else, although I did manage to knock myself out after collapsing due to low sugar levels and hitting my head on a kitchen sink, again when I was having my breakdown.

I put my lack of broken bones down to me regularly drinking plenty of milk, particularly when I was a kid. ;D

I've had one VERY close brush with death in the late 90s where I had a bad hypo. A normal person's sugar levels are between 4 and 9, a diabetic starts having a hypo when it gets below 4. I was on my way to an IT job fair where you had all of the blue chip companies looking for graduates to employ but started having a hypo midway through the tube journey. By the time I got to the tube station I wanted I was well into one and luckily collapsed outside a Red Cross charity shop who called an ambulance and there was a policeman who must have had some knowledge of diabetes, probably through a relative. He started spooning sugar and water into my mouth until the ambulance arrived. When the ambulance got there they did a blood test and it was 0.1...and 0.0 is pretty much coma and death :o :o :o
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 16, 2014, 04:25:32 AM
Yeah shit late, that does sound really shitty to have to go through, nothing worse than feeling helpless as you watch loved ones suffer

My right side of my face seems to of subsided with pain (it's still swollen to buggary), but I'm doubled over in pain on my left side now (which swelled a day later than the right), it's like really severe dental pain plus the feeling of your ear popping constantly, painkillers don't seem to be doing anything to numb the pain, therefore I've had another sleepless night, hopefully the pain should subside by tonight if its one day behind my other side

..on the plus side, I'm getting really good at forza whilst all this is happening  8)
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Late on January 16, 2014, 09:22:12 AM
Has been read by those who matter. No point leaving it for posterity.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 16, 2014, 07:02:11 PM
Had to resort in taking codeine today, the pain was just unbearable, mmm lovely codeine, makes everything feel fuzzy, the last time I took it though I came out in a rash, so was hoping to get by without it

Blood results haven't back yet, but spoke to the doctor who doesn't want me to go back to work until I'm checked out so I have an appointment on Monday

Forza gets really boring after a while, trust me, I'd rather be fit and well and back at work than have another week like this.. Mate came over (he's vaccinated) and we played a bit of NHL today, was some light relief in sitting at home all day on my own
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on January 17, 2014, 12:50:24 AM
sorry for the down mood. I'm not normally one for talking about such things on a public forum

I'd say you're entitled to feel a bit down about that that lot. Health problems make some of the other stuff we whinge about seem so trivial. Sometimes talking about it or just having a good vent can help, providng it's not somewhere you're likely to get some moron making idiotic comments. It's not good to boittle stuff up and you can't do that with the family to some extent because you're busy trying to support them through it.

Sincerely hope things improve for you.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 17, 2014, 10:54:09 AM
Had a fairly peaceful night last night, woke up every couple of hours but managed to get back to sleep ok... was feeling pretty OK today until I decided to eat something, I had one chocolate hobnob as I thought I was feeling OK and to try something slightly crunchy... bad mistake.. got halfway through the biscuit and then searing pain straight through my ears, the pain was absolute immense, my eardrums felt like they were going to burst, now I feel absolute shit again  :(    Had to crack open the codeine once more  ;D

I tried a mcd last night, that also was a bad mistake.. 2 bites of a burger, a few chips and I couldn't eat no more with the pain.  I downed the mcflurry though  :P

So far only soup and ice-cream have been pain-free to eat.. great diet!  8)
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on January 17, 2014, 06:51:58 PM
Mumps on the other hand deserve nothing but a good piss taking.   :P ;D
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 18, 2014, 06:37:20 AM
Hey!  This is a very debilitating virus I'll have you know!  Seriously I've had a week from hell, I wouldn't wish mumps on my mortal enemy.. or even harv!!

I left the house yesterday for the first time since Monday (needed some cigs) - I felt like everyone was looking at me since the swelling hasn't gone down yet  :-[ - it definitely is going down - just very slowly.

I still cant eat properly though which is my biggest frustration and pain-giver.. I'm pretty sure I'll be back at work next week but we'll see what the good doctor says on Monday.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on January 18, 2014, 01:24:41 PM
I felt like everyone was looking at me since the swelling hasn't gone down yet  :-[ - it definitely is going down - just very slowly.

Viagra overdose?
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 21, 2014, 03:06:09 PM
Was going to go back to work tomorrow, but seems like I've had a complication this week with the virus.. you know I said it could get to your knackers too.... well embarrassingly enough, one of my knackers is now the size of a very large egg LOL, I don't mind telling you lot as you cant take the mick to my face lol... but its called orchitis and apparently gets very painful, like the pain you get when someone kicks you in the goolies... but apart from the swelling, I'm not displaying any of the other symptoms (yet) - I am certainly aware of it though when I sit down for too long or start walking around for a while... when they swell up as well, you have a chance of permanent damage, like lower sperm count, its very rare to go sterile on it though.  I think if it swells up anymore, the pain is going to start and I'll be out for another week  :-[  I'm not going to get a docs appointment though, there's no treatment for it and I don't want someone sticking a finger up my ass to check my prostate LOL

This is a bleeding nightmare, just as I'm feeling better, I get a whack in the goolies - quite literally!  So far I've had this since Sunday, so I'm hoping its going to be a very mild case and not stop be going back into work this week.  I have a docs note covering me until Thursday, but I can easily get that extended if I need to, I told my boss I was hoping to be back in tomorrow, as the mumps have faded quite a lot now and I'm no longer contagious, but I think I'm going to take tomorrow off now, I don't want to over-exert my ding dongs  ;D
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Late on January 21, 2014, 03:26:19 PM
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

[covers eyes and ears and abandons thread]
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: larry on January 21, 2014, 08:20:32 PM
Well this is a nice thread :o

Luckily i had mumps as little kiddy so hopefully if true i cant get it again!?

Here's hoping you don't get the pain down below!  :o :o

Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 22, 2014, 07:19:13 AM
lol late.  Sorry  ;D

You can get a mild version of it larry, its very unlikely though, and if you did get it, its even more unlikely you would develop complications from it.

Well I'm definitely off for the week, was all feverish again pretty much throughout the whole night, I took some pills at 5:30am and that seems to of got rid of it for now, but my body is so fucking tired.  I feel a bit dizzy and I have a very dry mouth again...the "pain" is also worse than yesterday... so will ring the docs this morning to get an appointment  >:(  I just want to get back to normal now.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on January 23, 2014, 08:49:33 PM
BTW I take it you didn't have your MMR as a kid then JMAN?
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 24, 2014, 07:34:45 AM
Nope, I thought I had, so did my mum, but doctors have no record of me having it and I definitely have/had mumps.  I was 7 when the MMR came out and I think my mum was worried about the bullshit links it had to autism too.

I feel disabled at the moment, I can't walk or even stand up without immense pain.  I still have a horrible dry mouth and I've lost all sense of taste and my appetite.  I've had a banging headache for the past 2 days aswell.  The gp I saw on Wednesday was fucking useless, not only did she keep me waiting an extra 40 minutes, sitting in a bit of pain, but she didn't have a fucking clue what to do, I have got better advice/information from the internet, but I had to get her to extend my sick note, which she did, to Monday.

From what I gathered on my own, it should go away in 4-10 days (I'm on day 5), but I have a 50% chance of it shrinking a bit from normal size and being permanently damaged... it's a rare case whatever the outcome and I wasn't aware mumps could be so dangerous, but this is why I would recommend everyone to have the jab  :(
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on January 25, 2014, 09:00:51 AM
but I have a 50% chance of it shrinking a bit from normal size and being permanently damaged...

What exactly are you talking about there and has it lead to your girlfriend rethinking her response to that proposal?  :P
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 27, 2014, 02:17:51 PM

All back to normal now, first day back at work and slacking off already  8)
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on January 31, 2014, 11:40:06 AM
Fuck sake, fiancée just came back from the docs who have told her she has a suspected case of mumps.. she definitely had the vaccination.. but the docs said she didn't have a top-up/booster which made her vulnerable.

We'll see how it goes, she has a small swelling in her neck but nothing as bad as mine at the moment, I'm fucking sick of this virus now  ::)
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Late on January 31, 2014, 06:04:29 PM
Ugh, nightmare mate
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on January 31, 2014, 07:58:34 PM
I guess that's the disadvantage of the vaccinations as opposed to having it as a kid.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on February 02, 2014, 09:16:02 AM
Fuck sake, fiancée just came back from the docs who have told her she has a suspected case of mumps.. she definitely had the vaccination.. but the docs said she didn't have a top-up/booster which made her vulnerable.

We'll see how it goes, she has a small swelling in her neck but nothing as bad as mine at the moment, I'm fucking sick of this virus now  ::)

So your bits might be back in working order, but you may not get a test run to check everything's working for a while.  :P
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on February 02, 2014, 11:46:35 AM
lol... summat like that.

One of her friends has now gone down with mumps too... I did sit next to her for dinner when I was unknowingly contagious.. amazing how the virus can spread so easily  :'(
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on February 02, 2014, 12:29:37 PM
Have you been to the Bridge recently? ...

... I bloody hope not lol.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on February 02, 2014, 03:15:29 PM
Haven't been for a month or so, although I did go to 2 ice hockey games so this might not be the end of it  :-\
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on February 07, 2014, 03:29:00 PM
Fiancee definitely has mumps, she's been off work for a week already and her face swelled up quite a lot... and now she's also developed symptoms akin to viral meningitis which can be caught from mumps.. she's awaiting a call back from her GP at the moment, but its looking like I will have to do doctor duties again this weekend... fucking virus!!  >:(

Her friend, I don't think she has mumps, there's something wrong with her but the docs don't know what it is, a suggestion of glandular fever has been thrown about though.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on February 07, 2014, 04:23:53 PM
If she has meningitis then take her straight to the hospital emergency department. Unless I'm getting viral meningitis mixed up with another sort of meningitis, if there is one, then it can kill.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on February 07, 2014, 04:59:00 PM
Aye you are, bacterial meningitis... Gp spoke to her and said he knew she didn't have meningitis by her voice..  :o :o
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: harv on February 07, 2014, 07:05:25 PM
Ah, my bad. One of the regulars in the Queen's Head years ago died from bacterial meningitis. Her and her family just thought she had a bad cold or the flu and then hours later she was dead :o Really nice girl too :(
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on February 07, 2014, 08:40:11 PM
Gp spoke to her and said he knew she didn't have meningitis by her voice..  :o :o

I'd be thinking it's time to change GP.
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on July 11, 2014, 01:06:52 PM
Nothing to do with mumps.. couldn't be arsed to start a new topic - but since we were all talking about broken bones on this one...

Went out for work summer party yesterday.. boat down the thames.. with a rock band on board, free booze all night and a bbq.. was great.. but did a bit too much jumping around whilst dancing.. landed awkwardly and felt my toe next to the big one bend all the way back... once the alcohol wore off I could really feel it and now its all red and swollen.. I think its broken as its quite painful to walk..

Supposed to be doing a charity ice hockey tournament in 2 weeks and a holiday in 4 weeks (which will require a lot of walking).. not what I needed  :(
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: Dragontao on July 11, 2014, 10:01:37 PM
Dennis Wise played a whole match against Bolton with a broken toe on his left foot, got man of the match too.

That Man City keeper carried on in an F.A Cup final with a broken neck.

Stop being a wimp ya pussy,

Mind you, red and swollen you say? Could be internal damage. Very serious. Could lead to toxic shock syndrome. Septimcemia will set in and you'll probablyl lose the leg while they're battling to save your life.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

On the bright side, you'll be able to have a prosthetic leg made with a built in skate for ice hockey and won't have to worry about breaking bones in that foot again.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: Mumps
Post by: jman on July 11, 2014, 10:29:22 PM
Heh, it depends on the kind of toe break you have, I carried on playing football when I broke my nose, saved a penalty after I did it too  ;)

I only said it was painful to walk, or rather a bit uncomfortable putting weight on it, not going to stop me doing my cycling, broken or not... and sure I'll be fine playing hockey too ;)