Author Topic: Pets  (Read 5909 times)

Offline harv

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« on: July 21, 2014, 01:31:27 PM »
Have you got any..?

I've got my Georgie Porgie, and Kevin downstairs has just got a lovely kitten that he's going to call Mr Spock cos he's half black, half white and got pointy ears lol ;D

Will post a pic of my little monster later.

I've always thought that people that don't like pets of any kind are a bit odd, psychologically damaged. Styles was the perfect example of that. :-\

Had 2 gerbils and a dog called Trixie when I was a kid, can't remember what I called the gerbils though. Trixie was fantastic, partly whippet and partly something else and because of the whippet blood in her veins she used to run like nobody's business. She used to wind up bigger dogs and get them to chase her lol. She got caught once when she got older and slowed down and got her ear mangled, the silly old sod lol :o ;D

I still miss her now, particularly at Christmas. She always used to get 2 pressies, one from us and one from my Nan and she was like a kid at Christmas waiting for hers to be opened...was really funny to see ;D ;D ;D

I lost my Rufus in October last year and really miss him too. I used to wake up every morning and find the big old Ginger Nut asleep on my hip. Such a lovely old puss, no wonder my mate Dave loved him so much, the most affectionate cat I've ever met, he was lovely. ;D

So what about you..? Got any pets now or do you fondly remember any that you had when you were a kid..?
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Offline Momo

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Re: Pets
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 02:42:43 AM »
I used to train racing snails for a while, my favourite was a real athlete called The Flash.
This speedster was the first snail to to break the 4 minute inch, and as a bonus he was delicious with a bit of garlic butter when he got passed his best,mmmmm yummy.

Offline jman

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Re: Pets
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 08:06:59 AM »
I don't have any pets anymore, but I had to cat-sit these little shits the other day for a friend :

Was going great, until one of them pissed on my beanbag.. and the piss trickled down.. into my bike helmet..  >:(

Offline harv

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Re: Pets
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 08:26:46 AM »
Lmfao ;D ;D ;D

You couldn't have been upset with them for long though, they look so cute and lovable! ;D

Kittens are great fun ;D
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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Offline jman

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Re: Pets
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2017, 01:16:08 PM »
We picked up 3 kittens of our own from a rescue centre yesterday.. we only wanted two.. but found out the person who reserved one of the litter (grey one) had pulled out and he was the only one not going to a home and would probably be put into foster care.. we couldn't let that happen.. well we could - but my missus stomped her feet and just look at his face...

From left to right:  Hagrid, Drax and Severus

Hagrid keeps getting shit stuck in his fur as he's long haired - found a nice skidmark on my carpet this morning - he actively comes up for strokes and purrs really loudly but he doesn't half honk with the shit.. I've got some pet wipes to use now but am going to the vets tomorrow, they might recommend a bit of a trim on his bumholio.
Drax is the most confident but gets jealous if you're giving attention to any of the others.. he loves to play with the others and all of his toys.
Severus follows Draxs lead.. he loves to play with the others (chasing and trying to bite their tails) but is a bit shy when it comes to stroking - I got him purring away last night before he zonked out though.

They are cool little kits, I can't believe how much they shit though.. its constant!

Offline harv

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Re: Pets
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2017, 02:22:09 PM »
Awwww :-*

If you want some AWESOME cat litter then get this stuff:

£31 including delivery and will last you AGES compared to other brands. It's also great for odour and is the second best clumping cat littler out there (the best being World's Best Cat Litter but it's more expensive).

Make sure you get them all done as soon as you can, the Cat's Protection League do cats for free if you have a branch near you.
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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Offline jman

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Re: Pets
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2017, 02:28:44 PM »
Well the rescue centre will snip them all for free.. but its a good hour and a half drive.. and don't particularly fancy that.. had to sign a disclaimer that they wouldn't be allowed out before they are done.. going to book them in at the vets tomorrow.. but not for another 2 months yet.. they need to put some weight on first.

We're using Catsan litter because that's what they've been used to at the centre - they actually gave us some of their own litter from their tray to use so they have some smells they know.

Feel a bit bad leaving them at home for most of today, but my missus is a teacher, so 6 weeks off soon - she'll be able to keep them occupied.

Offline harv

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Re: Pets
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2017, 05:20:46 PM »
If you do go for a different cat litter then just add it in a little at a time gradually. That Cat's Best Cat Litter is amazing stuff.

When you're out make sure there isn't anything in reach of them that you're not prepared to be destroyed, kittens in particular can chew stuff including pieces of paper. Get some Bitter Apple Spray and spray your speaker cables and electric cables too.

My Georgie Porgie has Pica but most cats grow out of it. I've lost count of the amount of headphones and speakers that she's destroyed. Bloody animal lol
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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Offline jman

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Re: Pets
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2017, 10:40:17 AM »
Well they have chewed my charging cable for my xbox controller down to the bare wire - dicks!  As soon as I saw that, I've been making sure everything is put away every night now - their new game is taking my pants and socks off the airer and hiding them  ::)

Getting big now though...

They had a stay of execution yesterday - they were due in to have their bollocks lopped off but the vets said to bring them back in a month when they are a little older/bigger and I agree - I only set up that appointment yesterday because the rescue centre worry that people won't neuter their cats and I had to sign a disclaimer - I don't plan on letting them out until they are about 6 months but there are benefits on neutering cats at a young age (just not too young).

Offline harv

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Re: Pets
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2017, 07:32:42 PM »
My poor old puss has had a VERY stressful weekend! My Mum and Step-Father came to mine on Saturday to help me pack up all of my stuff and she's a VERY timid puss who hides whenever anyone comes round. Did most of it on Saturday and finished it on Sunday, as we were doing it we were taking away all of her hiding places lol :o ;D ;D ;D

And if THAT wasn't bad enough she was plonked in her cat carrier and subjected to a 2 and a half hour journey in a van to my Mum's place.

Have put my stuff into storage (apart from my cat, my PC and my Rift) and moved into my Mum's place for a week because - I hope you're all sitting down - after living in a flat with no central heating and no double glazing for 17 YEARS I'm getting double glazing and laminated flooring fitted.

And that's only happening because my Keyworker phoned him up and told him to get it done! It should be illegal to rent a place without either no double glazing or no central heating. :o

My flat is going to be MUCH warmer this Winter after this has been done. I won't need to wear two pairs of socks, five layers of clothing and won't be spending a FORTUNE on running my electric heater. Good times ahead!

My poor old puss though! :o :(

Might have to go to the vets and slip her a Mickey before the return journey, we was all a bit worried about her on the way down here because she wasn't handling things too well :-\

My Mum and Step-Father were out all day today and she was brave enough to come out of the spare room and have a nose around the bungalow, she also had a wee and poo for the first time since Saturday morning. :o
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

Thomas Covenant, Unbeliever