I'm not so sure its that simple. I agree with the fact that buying credits is the way to gain full membership of the game. However I don't think a full years membership is correct. If you spend those credits in six months then you will need to purchase more to keep your full membership of the game. Why? To paraphrase Animal Farm, some credits are more equal than others. Those purchased are the top of the range credits. Now, this next bit, is speculation, based on years in the game. Those credits you vote for in free credits do not count towards membership. Those you win in Private Leagues and/or cup competitions I believe don't count towards membership. Also credits transferred from other teams to you, ie. when I transfer credits too another team in Premier Predictions League they become second class credits that don't count towards your membership. Even though I bought them. Also, and finally, I think. When you buy players, or transfer credits to other teams the game is designed to use the credits you have purchased. So the credits you are left with are the second rate credits as determined by the game. Quick example. Just before Christmas I bought credits to pay out prizes in various competitions I ran. I ended up paying out over 10,000 credits. I still had plenty of credits left but was told the next day that I was no longer a member. The game had moved my top of the range credits and used them to give to other teams rather than those credits I had won or voted for. Once arriving at other teams they had became 2nd class credits.