Author Topic: How I hate ignorant selfish people  (Read 14081 times)

Offline Dragontao

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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:50 AM »
They don't have cheaper insurance any longer. The eu put paid to it

It's still happening. Insurers just aren't coming out and saying it's because of gender.

Nephew applied for car insurance from a number of insurers and one of his mum's (my sister) friends daughters got quoted up to £1000 less by all of them, despite him having had his license longer and having a years no claims already while she was a new driver. A couple of them claimed it was due to the post code, despite living in a bettter area than the girl. So he changed a few of his details, including gender, put in for quotes and got lower quotes from at least 50% of them. When he complained they all came up with reasons and the insurance onbudsman did nothing.
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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2013, 10:54:20 AM »
Never argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Work hard, be nice.

Offline Dragontao

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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2013, 02:33:34 PM »
This article on the antagonism between cyclists and motorists.

The thing that concerns me the most, the calls for this call by cycling campaigners to have this "strict liability law" in Scotland, which no doubt they'd want in England as well.

Cycling campaigners are calling for a new law in Scotland to make motorists automatically at fault in an accident. The UK is one of only five European countries - Cyprus, Malta, Romania and Ireland being the others - that does not currently have the "strict liability" law.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. Any accident should be investigated and whoever the guilty party is, they should be punished accordingly.

Cyclists ashould also have to have some form of mandatory proficiency test, which includes a test on the highway code. They should also have to have some form of insurance as well. The insurance premium tax from that can be put towards the changes to road systems that benefit cyclists, instead of motorists picking up the tab for that.

And no, I'm not automatically on the side of the motorist. As I said, there are far too many who don;t take proper care where cyclists are concerned. I might be inclined to cycle myself if the roads were safer, but that's not to say that bad cycling should be ignored the way it is now.

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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2013, 02:52:34 PM »
I am a woman alone! You are threatening me!


I said don't get me started on women drivers, especially women drivers in 4x4's lol. That stupid neurotic bitch shouldn't be on the road. Seriously though, idiots like that don't give a damn about any other road users, motorists or cyclists. She could easily have kept to the left enough to let the cyclist pass but there's no thought for anyone but herself.

Looking at the road, it doesn't look to be suitable for two way traffic down it's length or should at least have no parking whatsoever. 

As long as cyclists/motorcyclists are riding sensibly, if you're stuck in traffic, I don't see the problem of letting them pass. Not letting them isn't going to speed up the motorist's journey any more. But then some motorists are like that to other motorists as well. YOu'll be driving along the motorway, go to overtake a slow moving car. All of a sudden they put their foot down. What's that all about. Some people get behind a wheel of a car and their personality changes and their brains just switch off.

How many times do have any of you been waiting to pull out of a junction or turn right into a junction, and a car that could have let you go doesn't, even though it doesn't make a second of difference to their journey time at the end of the day because they will still be behind the car they were behind before.

Oh and from the cyclists point of view I can imagine this is a real bug bear, and it's something that idiots do, zoom past a cyclist and then turn left into a junction, cutting the cyclist up, when all they had to do was wait about 3 seconds.

Bad motorists and bad cyclists all fall into the category of stupid ingorant people and they make it bad for everyone.

I should also make a distinction between the communter type cyclists, who usually obey most of the highway code (though a large percentage are colour blind at traffic lights and appear unable to spot give way signs at junctions). The ones I spot riding on pavements, it has to be said, are the chavvy type, with no protective gear, mobile phone in hand and probably off down the social or to meet their dealer.
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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2013, 08:57:39 AM »
Oh and from the cyclists point of view I can imagine this is a real bug bear, and it's something that idiots do, zoom past a cyclist and then turn left into a junction, cutting the cyclist up, when all they had to do was wait about 3 seconds.

I only cycle in the summer months when the weathers not that bad, so I dont cycle all the time but I've had this happen to me a few times, in fact, someone cut me up so much I was literally millimeteres away from hitting the side of their car... its not annoying as it doesnt happen that often... its just plain dangerous as the cyclist can only see whats going on when the car pulls in front of them.

No.. what happens more often that not.. is that people just dont bother giving way at roundabouts and junctions.. they will give way to cars (except learners - lol).. as soon as they see a cyclist there though they instantly pull out because they dont want to get stuck behind them.. I was at a mini-ish roundabout about a month ago.. I was giving way to traffic coming from my right.. as soon as it was clear, I started to pull out.. this woman (who was coming from the left - so should of given way to me) had also pulled out at the same time.. so I stopped, but she also stopped because I assume she had seen me pull out, so I tried to go again and so did she (at the same time), and we both stopped again, so Im waiting this time and gesture to her to just go as Im in the middle of the road at this point... so drives past and shouts out that I "shouldnt be allowed on the road" ?? lol

Other bugbears are people who move over to the kerb (when stopping) just so you cant get past without using the pavement - it happens more than you think!!!
People who wont overtake you at all.. even though a tank could quite easily get past you. 
People who overtake you when there is not a lot of space to overtake you. 
People who overtake you and then rev their engines hard - as if you've held them up for an eternity.
Pedestrians that think they are allowed to walk in a cycle lane (not that theres many in Reading).
Buses - I hate buses more than ever now... some bus drivers are so thick they dont realise that cyclists can use most of the bus lanes too.

Offline Dragontao

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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2013, 07:41:09 PM »

People who wont overtake you at all.. even though a tank could quite easily get past you.  Trust me, they irritate the drivers stuck behind them too.
People who overtake you when there is not a lot of space to overtake you.  They try that with other cars too.
People who overtake you and then rev their engines hard - as if you've held them up for an eternity. They just tailgate other motorists, thinking that if they sit on our tails we will a) go faster or b) move over, when a) there's other traffic in front so we can't go faster or b) there's no where to move over to
Pedestrians that think they are allowed to walk in a cycle lane (not that theres many in Reading). Well some cycle lanes are stupidly dual use but sometimes they are probably walking in a cycle lane to avoid the chav cyclists riding on the pavement ;-p
Buses - I hate buses more than ever now... some bus drivers are so thick they dont realise that cyclists can use most of the bus lanes too. Yeah, but think the highway code doesn't apply to them, just like taxis. I laugh at those signs on buses that say "please let buses pull out (it's even a law now isn't it?) they should add "or we fucking will anyway"
Oh and I fucking hate drivers who don't indicate.
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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2013, 09:11:11 PM »
A lot of motorists - damn right... like this dickhead...

Well it's not called twitter for nothing.

Changing her story now to say she didn't actually knock him off the bike and that he was in the wrong, but it's a bit late for that as she basically admitted it on her Twitter account. Stupid cow.

Suspended by her company as well.
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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2013, 10:28:47 AM »
Not only that but the dozy bitch doesnt know the difference between road tax and vehicle tax.. theres no relationship whatsoever between vehicle tax and the money the government use on upkeep, improvement and building of roads - then the fact that loads of cyclists own motor vehicles too - the silly bitch deserves everything she gets from here on out.

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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2013, 10:42:50 AM »
Another thing that pisses me off on the road is when people press the button for the zebra crossings.. and then cross before the green man appears. 

Either a) dont press it and cross when safe.. or b) press it and fucking wait!!  >:(

Offline Dragontao

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Re: How I hate ignorant selfish people
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2013, 01:40:09 PM »
Another thing that pisses me off on the road is when people press the button for the zebra crossings.. and then cross before the green man appears. 

Either a) dont press it and cross when safe.. or b) press it and fucking wait!!  >:(

Have to agree with you totally on that one.
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