I know this bug has been around a LONG time - where games/challenges are refunded before a team's friendly table schedule has been completed despite challenging on day 1 at the soonest opportunity.
We need more teams to challenge and the auto accept feature to kick in sooner then this won't happen. It frustrates and annoys the heck out of me and it's happened again just now. What the heck is the point? I pay money every season to try to complete my schedule. I was "only" one slot short last season but this one's going to be even worse!
Junior, now you're back running things, any chance you can maybe get this sorted please? If there were more teams to challenge and/or the auto-accept did its job sooner rather than 48 hours+ as now, that would help too.
Well I can live in hope but seriously starting to doubt whether I'm going to bother with friendlies in future if this is how it's going to be from now on.