Author Topic: Xbox One  (Read 116208 times)

Offline harv

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #375 on: July 24, 2017, 01:19:31 PM »
Well that's your loss lol

At only 400 quid, getting a Rift instead of another Xbox One is a no-brainer tbh, particularly now that you have a PC capable of running it. It brings gaming to another level.
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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #376 on: July 24, 2017, 05:19:33 PM »
Hush now.
Back to your corner.

A £170 console on which I can play cod and titanfall, versus a £400 headset on which I can't is indeed a no-brainer.
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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #377 on: July 24, 2017, 05:51:32 PM »
Hush now.
Back to your corner.

A £170 console on which I can play cod and titanfall, versus a £400 headset on which I can't is indeed a no-brainer.

Echo Arena is a million miles better than both of those two added together ;)

I went to lean on the Holotable in Lone Echo last night and nearly fell over lmfao :-[ ;D

I've started to use the same software they've used for that game too for my website (which is in the process of being constructed) and VR game I'm working on. It really is a fantastic piece of kit...but I can't see my textures being anywhere near as good as theirs.

Lone Echo just looks SO GOOD :o And the zero g gameplay is awesome too. I've also decided to rip off borrow the gameplay mechanic they use to turn your torch on and off too.  You just extend your pointy finger and switch it on by the side of your head. 8)
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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #378 on: July 27, 2017, 11:44:07 PM »
This doesn't bode well.
I've had to factory reset my xb1 twice in the last month. Definitely looks like it's on its way out :(

Three times.

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Offline harv

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #379 on: July 28, 2017, 01:16:15 AM »
Join the PC Master Race, you have a decent PC,  and get a Rift. Consoles are for peasants :P
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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #380 on: July 31, 2017, 08:43:07 AM »
Risk you take when buying a launch machine unfortunately.  I've had a few issues with the Blu-ray drive where it takes about 5000 turns to get it to read.. but other than that its been fine.  Best off waiting for an X1X - unsure whether I'm getting one at launch as I've got other things that are more important, but I'll definitely upgrade at some point.

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #381 on: August 02, 2017, 01:51:58 AM »
Mine's struggled with blurays for the last few years, but I find if you hang onto the disk for a second when you put it in (so start to insert it until you feel the machine pulling it in, and hang onto it briefly before releasing) it almost always works.

Not sure about the 1x. I do like the look of it, but my tv's only 720p so it doesn't make sense to upgrade unless I buy a new telly, and finances are a bit tight. Might just get another xb1 or an xb1s to tide me over. I'm now having to factory reset the current machine about once a day.
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Offline harv

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #382 on: August 02, 2017, 04:08:25 AM »
Get a Rift instead! It's worth getting a Rift just for the Alien Isolation VR Mod, and a Half Life 2 VR Mod is on its way too! And then you have the Doom 3 BFG VR Mod too before you even start to think about the Facebook funded AAA games and Fallout 4 VR and Doom VFR on the way.

Plus you can play my game, Nakamura's Fall, if I ever get it finished ;D

Just started working my way through the Substance Designer tutorials, the guy that does them must be worth his weight in gold to Allegorithmic because his tutorials are so easy to follow.

I've done 38 models so far for my game and am going to texture some of them soon. I need to do a few more but now that I have the Substance Indie Pack I'm itching to texture some of them now.
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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #383 on: August 03, 2017, 03:54:19 AM »
Yeah, no.

Alien Isolation was a really bad game. Adding a gimmick to a bad game doesn't make it good.

I was never a massive fan of half life (it was good, but not the be all and end all that everyone raves about), I've played it through a couple of times, and playing it again has no appeal.

And money is tight.

And vr is probably a fad.

And I have a family. I don't see any appeal in wearing a janky headset while the rest of the family do something else.

Ain't going to happen, mate. Nobody but you round here has any interest in vr. You're flogging a dead donkey.
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Offline harv

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #384 on: August 03, 2017, 04:36:06 AM »
I think you're getting your Alien games mixed up. Alien Colonial Marines by Gearbox was godawful, Alien Isolation by Creative Assembly is a different kettle of fish altogether. It's everything that Colonial Marines should have been. Looks great and plays even better. There are plenty of people that didn't have the balls to finish the game on a flat screen...and in VR it's fucking crazy scary.
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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #385 on: August 03, 2017, 08:32:10 PM »
No, I'm taking about Isolation.
My impressions of the game, posted a couple of years ago on dealspwn:

Late  Feb. 16, 2015 at 09:53
I love the Alien films (well the first two, anyway - I prefer to pretend the latter ones didn't happen. Like the Matrix. But I digress. Already. I'm only five words into my post and I've gone off on a tangent for ages. Get some control, Late!) and have tried most of the games that have spawned from the franchise, and they've all been a bit rubbish (though I was in that minority that quite enjoyed AvP) - so I was overjoyed when this latest one got very good reviews.

Yet I gave up on it last night - about half-way through. :(
I'm alright at stealth games. I like to explore most games anyway, and I always enjoy finding alternative paths, so a game based on some of my favourite films and with mechanics that I like should be right up my street! It's very tense as you creep around a newly unlocked area of the space station collecting everything you can scavenge (ammo, and parts to make smoke bombs etc.) and checking in at computer terminals etc., whilst constantly checking your motion detector; before scooting into a locker or similar hiding place just as the alien appears. And then you're trying to peek out through the slats to see where it is. It's incredibly tense. You can't see it. Take a peek at the motion scanner. The alien hears the beeps, and kills you. You restart from the last save point (which was only a couple of rooms back, but it took you 20 sodding minutes to get through those couple of rooms). You repeat every step from above. Including the bit where you get killed in the locker you were hiding in. You repeat it all again (collecting all the stuff you can each time, checking the computer terminals again each time) but hide in a different place. Different place but same result. So this time you decide to be a bit less cautious, you don't skirt around the edge of the room in a crouched stance, but instead walk at normal pace through the middle, and you're fine. You walk into the second room, your attention has perhaps slipped a little, you don't notice that tell-tale gloopy mucussy stuff dripping from the overhead vent, you see the alien's tail go through your torso. You restart from the checkpoint. You switch it off and watch tv for a while, having wasted over an hour without really progressing. And when you do make it to that next checkpoint it's pretty much the same thing again. You're in a new area. You explore it. You die repeatedly.

I'm playing on medium/normal difficulty, and I'm a seasoned gamer. I don't know if I'm just being rubbish, if I'm getting old, if I'm so used to games being easy these days that I have a hissy fit when I encounter a little difficulty whilst completely forgetting that games used to be way more unforgiving.
Whatever it is, I give up.

Installed Far Cry 4. Absolutely loving it, so far. I'm not very far into it, but it's so much more intuitive, so much more fun. So much easier.
Is that last part a good thing? I'm not sure. It sure feels like it, though, as I whiz around this war-torn land like the genetically engineered spawn of Rambo, Che Guevara, and John Marston.
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Offline harv

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #386 on: August 03, 2017, 09:07:03 PM »
That just means ya don't have da skillz innit 8)

You REALLY need to play this in VR tbh, although I do agree that the save points are a bit crap. This is the 21st Century ffs, save points are so 90s  :o

In VR it's bloody terrifying, I'm going to be doing very well to finish the game tbh. Last night was the very first time I've felt genuine fear whilst playing a video game. It's crazy.

Dreadhalls came close but rather than fear, as the name of the game suggests, you start to feel dread instead.
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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #387 on: August 04, 2017, 12:08:48 AM »
Alien Isolation was a really bad game. Adding a gimmick to a bad game doesn't make it good.


Nobody but you round here has any interest in vr. You're flogging a dead donkey.
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Offline harv

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #388 on: August 04, 2017, 01:27:39 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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Re: Xbox One
« Reply #389 on: September 28, 2017, 07:12:06 PM »
With the release of the One X on the horizon there are some good deals kicking around for the One S, so I took advantage at Game.

My old console had been factory reset about 20-30 times in the last couple of months, (including 5 times in one infuriating day last week), so maybe could've limped on for another couple of months before giving up the ghost.

Got £105 trade-in for my knackered console (which operated flawlessly when they tested it). Picked up the newer console for £200 including Forza Horizon 3 (digital) and FIFA 18 Ronaldo edition (physical). I've no interest in FIFA, and that version is selling new for about £75 so hopefully I'll get £40-£50 for it unopened.

So that'll mean around £45-£55 outlay and I've upgraded the dodgy console to a newer stable one, replaced the old controller with a new one, and picked up Forza Horizon 3. That'll do me nicely.
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