Well I've downloaded 4 demos (FIFA 13, Rayman Legends, NBA 2K13 and Monster Hunter 3G Ultimate), Sonic Racing Transformed as a DD title, The Cave, Trine 2, Zen Pinball 2, Chasing Aurora, Mighty Switch Force, Nano Assault Neo, Puddle, Tank!Tank!Tank! and two VC games (Balloon Fight and F-Zero) and I've still got 8GB left. And that's after the strange firmware update that whips away 5GB of storage. I'd love to know what was going on under the hood during that update, it's bloody huge. My money would be on the system using some of that as swapspace in an attempt to negate the RAM difference, but who knows..? Won't be a lot of use for developers needing fast access RAM but will be a godsend for open world games like Fallout or Skyrim.
And the black console looks miles better too. The white disc light keeps on throwing me though, looks like there's a bright outside light source reflected in the top left hand corner lol.
Didn't realise Zavvi had it cheaper, just thought I'd share the deal.
If you're going to get one you might be better off getting one in November, I can see them knocking 50 dollars off the price, although of course that doesn't mean we'll get it 50 quid cheaper over here because we always get shafted over here. It should be profitable by then so they can afford to drop the price and continue to make a small loss on each unit sold.