I'm going to stick with it and enjoy it mate. Hands-on reports from people in the States are glowing so far for ZombiU. And I've just read that the Gamespot reviewer has got something fundamentally wrong in the text of his review. He claims that all you need to do is lure a single zombie away from the pack, bash them with the bat a few times and rinse and repeat to complete the game. This is wrong, and makes me think that the reviewer in question didn't even complete the game.
Later on in the game you get zombies that spit at you from a distance (which takes off around a fifth of your health and buggers up your vision, meaning you'll find it difficult to use your bat on the zombies close to you). You also get zombies with explosives that blow up when you hit them.
I guess it is possible to complete the game with just the cricket bat but you're probably going to have deaths in triple figures if you don't use the other weapons and some sort of strategy to do so.
I wonder if he actually finished it or not..?
As far as the framerates in some of the other games goes that's what patches are for
Most of these games have been rushed for launch, you'll see PS4 and 720 games having framerate issues on launch day too.