I think that the problem that most people have with it is that they weren't expecting the very same problems that previous Gamebryo-driven games had given that Fallout 4 was supposed to be created with a 'new' engine.
Personally I think that the devs have done a great job. 1080p native on both console SKUs, vsynch, superior lighting and shadows and superior AA all make it a 'next gen' game. I've seen plenty of idiots saying that the game doesn't look any better than Fallout 3 on the PS3 and 360 which is fucking ridiculous. They obviously need to go to Specsavers
I'm not too worried about the game myself because by the time I build my new rig (bloomin motherboard didn't arrive today and according to the tracking it's been waiting to be picked up by the courier since 14th...I'm thinking it may be coming from France, perhaps..?
) including my GPU in May next year I'll be able to run it with everything on Ultra in 1080p at 60fps
Hope I get my motherboard tomorrow, I'm like a kid at Christmas at the mo lololol
Edit: Forgot to add vsynch to the list!