Thought that the Ultimate Collection of Kinect Sports came on one disc.. it doesnt, which is a bit annoying.. but glad I bought the Ultimate Collection as it comes with all the DLC from KS2 too - which includes Basketball, just a shame it doesnt have the DLC from KS1.. Kinect Sports are by far the best games on Kinect... but like all Kinect games, they have limited appeal before the novelty wears off..
Bought Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 and Kinect Adventures for £12 combined in blockbusters... think thats it as far as buying Kinect games go, I've tried a load of others, but apart from Fruit Ninja... they are just shit.. and Im only really interested in using Kinect as a workout aid anyway - it aint gonna replace any real kind of workout.. but its better than sitting on your arse I guess.
Also started on Assassins Creed : Revelations last night.. I feel sorry for the people who shelled out launch day price for this.. I've done 3 memories so far.. and the story is ALL filler so far... in fact, apart from meeting 16, nothing has actually happened so far...I hate the fact Ubisoft diluted this brand so much with Brotherhood & Revelations as they (well Brotherhood at least) are REQUIRED to play to actually know what has happened between AC2 and AC3.
Also started Dirt3... for some reason Codemasters thought it would be good to have really long loading times in the game.. and who the fuck wants Assist functionality when doing Rally races.. bugger off!!! The flip side is that the controls feel a lot better and more realistic than Dirt 2 and Dirt 1 and the graphics are pretty good... but Dirt 1 still reigns supreme for me... I'll prehaps install Dirt3 to the HDD to try and make those load times faster but Im not terribly impressed so far.