So I already finished Ryse.. took about 7 hours overall to finish.. so quite a short game.. but I think I will definitely replay it on the hardest difficulty.. the best part of the game for me was the story, it is really strong and the setting is great.. as a historical game, it throws away pretty much all fact.. but it's originality is brilliant. The 2nd best part are the graphics, they are immense... everything looks pretty amazing and realistic, even down to Basillius' (Nero's fictional son) facial expressions - you could tell he was a cunt from when you first saw him lol.
The weakest point of the game, you begin to realise at the end of chapter 1, when you've already done 80-90% of everything the game offers. The combat is good, not great.. but good.. not as fluid as batman nor are they that many moves, but the executions are great, although they start to get a bit repetitive after 5 or 6 more chapters. If this game threw up some more variety and different set-pieces, it'd easily be a 80+ rated game - I'd probably rate it as a solid 70 though.
Saying that, I'm pretty certain I'll give it another run through as its a relatively short game and will probably try out the multiplayer too. I wouldn't recommend going to buy it straight away, but when the price dips it'll probably be worth picking it up at £10-£20 as a distraction.