Author Topic: Video Games Thread  (Read 721001 times)

Offline jman

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3645 on: October 26, 2016, 07:54:51 AM »
Ermmm £39.99 for a steam key... Nadda lol.

Got a £20 game voucher... But it's bloody £50 there lol.

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3646 on: October 27, 2016, 02:53:51 PM »
Anyone getting the Skyrim special edition? Definitely my favourite game ever, but not sure if I can do it all again lol. Must of been about 600 hours in total :o

Also not sure if I really want to pay full price for a 5 year old game with shiny graphics and (probably) crap mods.

Also recently finished the Uncharted remastered collection. And have just completed the PS4 version of Canis Canem Edit, just need to buy stuff for the platinum. So not sure if I want another remaster.  :-\
Arcadia Bay | FKA The One United

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3647 on: October 27, 2016, 06:15:19 PM »
I bought all of the Bethesda games in a mega bundle a while back so I'll be checking it out at some point, but when I do I'll be playing it using VorpX which allows most 'flat' games to be played in VR. Once you go VR you never go back! :P

I have now downloaded a shitload of VR Porn and it's awesome. It's just like having a real girlfriend except that she doesn't nag, has the appearance of any one of a shitload different women, doesn't get pissed off when you come in drunk in the early hours of the morning, doesn't laugh at the size of my small cock, is right up for threesomes and most importantly doesn't want to watch crappy reality telly for 24 hours a day and seven days a week lmfao :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Maybe I need to get out more... :-[ :-[ :-[

I tried Project CARS last night for the first time and no wonder everyone is fapping over it lol. It's absolutely AMAZING in VR.

I have also been continuing my playthrough of Dreadhalls and the tension has REALLY ramped up now. It started rising after I found the first eye (you have to collect 4 eyes on the first level and put them on 4 diases to get to the next level). I've now collected 1 of the 3 eyes you need to get to the third one, so I'm guessing it's going to be 2 for level 3 and 1 for level 4. The best monster so far is this bloody great big spherical thing with a face that can only see you when you move, the noises it makes are pretty cool and it's quite spooky to hear it when it's right next to your head lol

I haven't been tempted to Nope out of it yet though!

I'm VERY disappointed that we haven't seen any Halloween sales from Steam or Oculus yet though >:(

Mind you, I've got plenty of games so far to play on Halloween in VR:

The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter
Emily Wants To Play
The Visitor
Five Nights At Freddy's
Bioshock 1
Dear Esther
Alien Isolation

If I don't post after Halloween I've probably died from a heart attack lmfao :o ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3648 on: October 27, 2016, 07:35:58 PM »
Someone from Oculus is obviously reading this forum, they've just started a Halloween sale lol
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Offline stupac

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3649 on: October 28, 2016, 02:27:02 PM »
Everybody's gone to the rapture free on PS+ next month. Heard very good things about that so looking forward to trying it.
Arcadia Bay | FKA The One United

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3650 on: October 28, 2016, 10:49:07 PM »
Note to self: Whatever you do DON'T PANIC when playing a horror VR game :o ;D ;D ;D

You'll end up dying and get VERY close to needing a change of boxer shorts lmfao.

Dead Secret is fanfuckingtastic. I just got the living shite scared out of me just now lol :-[

If I hadn't started to panic I could have hidden somewhere!!!

Bloody game lol
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Offline jman

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3651 on: November 02, 2016, 09:22:58 AM »
Have to say, Dead Secret and Dreadhalls look absolute shit going by youtube videos lol.. pretty sure I'm not missing out on much there.

I bought Civ6 on steam the other day at work.. then find out when I get home that my landline and broadband have gone down with a fault on the exchange.. some twat has probably unplugged me.. not fixed today and not very happy with Sky who I've only had for the past 2 months and already had a problem.  Was with Virgin for 8 years and this happened once or twice at most - no internet means I can't even install the fucking game - even if I bought the physical copy I'd still have to install part of it from t'internet - and this is half the reason why PC gaming sucks these days.

I might go out and buy Titanfall 2 at the weekend, reviews say its pretty good.. but then again I really want to play the new FIFA and I need to pick up NHL 17 at some point too.. Dead Rising 4 coming in December and I haven't finished Dying Light yet.. too many games, too little time!

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3652 on: November 02, 2016, 08:02:40 PM »
They might not look great but they're pretty scary to play. You really have to experience VR to understand how amazing it is. It's far from perfect - the resolution isn't high enough and the FOV isn't big enough (it feels like your wearing a set of ski goggles or a diving mask) but despite that it's quite easy to feel 'presence', you actually forget that you're wearing a VR helmet sometimes with a few experiences and games.

You start to feel real dread and panic with both Dreadhalls and Dead Secret once you get into the games, Elite Dangerous is another one where I actually feel like I'm sitting in a spaceship in deep space. Same goes for Adr1ft too, you start to get panicky when your oxygen starts to run low.

My first experience of real presence was when trying out Dreamdeck for the first time. In one of the segments you're on the top of a bloody great big skyscraper in a Steampunk world and I foolishly decided to look right over the edge and got MAJOR vertigo and had to physically take a step back because I started to shit myself lol :-[ ;D :-[

And once the Touch controllers release with hand and finger tracking VR is going to get even better.

We're still at the early stage of things at the moment, you're going to need a headset that can give you 8K per eye, an FOV over 220 degrees (if I'm remembering correctly), full body tracking and an improved treadmill type thing like the Omnix before VR will be indistinguishable from real life but even with the 'primitive' stuff we've got here now the brain and body CAN be fooled.

Everyone apart from Nintendo is jumping on the VR hype train, in 10-20 years time you might not be able to buy a 'flat' video game any more. :o

And not just games either, we're not too far away from films and television programmes being the same, although it might take 5 years longer for 'flat' film and television media going the same way as video games...but it WILL happen.

Have decided to pre-order the Touch controllers after I get my November credit card bill, I should have my Rift purchase paid off before I get my November credit card bill and then hopefully get that Touch purchase paid off before the start of the new year as long as my Mum gives me a hundred quid for my Christmas pressie ;D

Mind you it's going to take A LOT of tightening my belt to do that, the same as I've done to get my Rift. I'll have to swallow a good bit of credit card interest in December but it should be doable just about. I need to lose a bit of weight anyway lol :o ;D :-[
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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3653 on: November 03, 2016, 01:06:36 AM »
Have just finished playing Technolust and it was brilliant, although pretty predictable and unoriginal as far as the plot goes. Absolutely SHITLOADS of video game and sci-fi film references, although plenty of people will probably have most of those going over their heads.

Am definitely going to play it again. I'm surprised that more developers haven't gone for PBR textures (Physically Based Rendering) for the Unity Engine. PBR to cut a long story short is a way of producing more realistic looking textures, particularly when it comes to lighting. It means that your textures are more complicated to produce but look much more realistic.

Takes a bit more work to create them but the benefits are worth the trouble imo.

Going to start work on my game again soon, I've had a 12 day break since I got my Rift but I reckon it's time to get back to SketchUp, Maya and Substance Designer/Painter whenever I can.

Before I got my Rift I tried sorting out my light maps for a simple storage crate but I haven't quite got them quite right yet. Need to do a fair bit of experimentation I think. I've also found that the way that I've turned my third person character into a first person character doesn't work in VR for some reason but, again, I'll have to do a bit of experimentation before I can get this right.

I don't have a Scooby Doo what I'm doing, without Google and YouTube I wouldn't have got very far lmfao. I'm going to need to try and work on things a bit more than I have been since I started this all off in August but my depression makes it VERY difficult to work on. A while back I used to have good days and bad days but these days I'm having good days and bad weeks. :-\  :(
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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Offline harv

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3654 on: November 07, 2016, 10:02:59 PM »
Have just finished a Mining Shuttle for my game.

And I've uploaded it to SketchFab if you fancy twirling it around and having a proper look 8)

Any constructive criticism of any of my models would be very much appreciated! ;D

And yes, I did rip off the engines from Star Trek lol :-[ :P ;D
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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Offline jman

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3655 on: November 09, 2016, 09:33:15 AM »
I'm really enjoying The Journey on Fifa 17 - its a bit rigid though - you'll follow a set path no matter what options you do and your performance in the games doesn't really have much effect on the story - but its still pretty cool and its got massive potential for the future.  I think it would be more realistic if you started at lower league clubs and worked your way up and also being able to edit your player's name/appearance would of been nice too but its a welcome addition in my eyes.. EA Sports games are great when you can play offline with people - I've never really enjoyed playing those titles online.. (which is why I mainly stick to NHL these days) - but having a more expanded single player game definitely makes it more appealing to me.

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3656 on: November 22, 2016, 06:06:19 PM »
Pretend I have a cool signature thing here.
I did, but the host site died and I can't be arsed to find an alternative right now...

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3657 on: November 22, 2016, 08:02:13 PM »
I got Outlast from Steam for dirt cheap ages ago but haven't played it yet. It's supposed to be pretty scary played 'flat' but in VR via VorpX it's supposed to be a different kettle of fish altogether. I still haven't finished Dead Secret yet since I got freaked out by Ending D lol :-[ :-[ :-[ ;D ;D ;D ;D :-\

Going to have to go back and finish that soon.

Have now done the protagonist's ship for my game. I decided to take a Star Trek Shuttle, a Star Wars Imperial Shuttle and Flash Gordon's spaceship (from the Buster Crabbe days) and take them to pieces and then build a ship from all the parts. I was going to originally call it The Lancer due to the pointy bit that's on the front of Flash Gordon's ship but I changed the design slightly. When I finished it the ship looks like this:

So I've called it The Raven. And that change of design and renaming of the ship has also given me the name of the ship's on-board computer, Edgar, and the name of the protagonist, Commander Allan. 8)

Next up is doing a few asteroids, the docking bay of Nakamura's Pride where the gameplay starts and Nakamura's Pride itself. For the Nakamura's Pride I'm going to go for a Battlestar Galactica shaped ship but with the docking bays at the back and the Star Trek inspired engines being at the sides of the ship. ;D
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

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Offline jman

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3658 on: November 23, 2016, 08:58:56 AM »
Glad I held out on Outlast... if they would of put it on for a decent sale price - I would of paid for it.. but when you see it on steam for a couple of quid.. there's no way I'm paying over a tenner for it on xbox.

Man I'm addicted to Civ 6 at the moment, definitely the best Civ to date - the two biggest negatives, the diplomacy and AI - the AI has never been perfect (or rather anywhere near good) - it seems pathetic in this game but doesn't distract from the overall gameplay to be fair.  I'm on my 3rd game at the moment, playing on King (one above normal).  I'm allied with the Romans and the Japs but everyone else hates me as I had to smack up the Scythians a bit as they started dominating with their religion and no-one likes a warmonger.  As I'm going for a Science victory, all my tech is far more advanced than the other Civs.. so I've just started the Manhattan Project (in 1890) and will be producing nukes very shortly.. I'm afraid the Japs aren't going to know what hit them  ;D  Whilst we are current allies.. they are slowly but surely creeping up the Culture Victory route, so Kyoto is going to get the shit blown out of it if they continue on  ;D

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Re: Video Games Thread
« Reply #3659 on: November 23, 2016, 05:02:14 PM »
And I thought that Trump with his finger on the button was risky business lol :o ;D
"This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken."

Thomas Covenant, Unbeliever