Maybe it's a modern social problem but we seem to have gathered rather more of the lazy/whiny/needy of the latter sort than ever before.
If what I say is banter you should enjoy it. If you perceive it as serious, maybe you should consider your actions that proked it rather than the fault didn't lie with you?
I'd love to know the answer to this.
I'd love to know how you came to be such a delusional hypocrite first..
So asking a simple question without knowing the right answer and being too "lazy" to read through ten previous pages is somehow a good reason to sarcastically shoot them down and take the piss out them?
I think you fall into the whiny/needy category far more than Nick does.
Maybe need to look in the mirror more often.
And in reference to the conference 8 thing.. I havent been in control of my two teams for a long time now. That's Steve and Ty. Tho's teams are theirs now. If i decide to come back I'll start a new team.. And spank you again
Yeah, yeah. All have a whine and complain about Angel.
"If I decide to come back" ----
IF (as in never?) And if I was a bloke I'd have bo**ocks --- and bigger ones than any of you moaners.
If you're not happy, go and tell your mums (or boyfriends, wives, dogs), Or try a simple shoot-'em up with loads of 15 year olds.
Just study the game, play as seriously as you whinge and you might do better at it.
Mightn't you?