Author Topic: Advertisement - Sunday League  (Read 4207 times)

Offline shellyboy100

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Advertisement - Sunday League
« on: May 12, 2020, 01:06:27 PM »
I've had a concern about the longevity of Sunday League for a while (even when I'm not active on here believe it or not) and of course it's the same as everyone else's being, how does this game survive long term?

The game is still competitive, which is great, but it is mainly due to most of us on here having multiple teams.

Anyway, I had an idea that could attract new managers to the the game for free, all it requires is somebodies time.

Social Media
Twitter and Instagram are both free to use, and have the potential to attract hundreds of new managers, but as this game isn't advertised, this has been unexplored territory for Sunday League.

I had a look at Instagram the other day and the '#SundayLeague' had over 150,000 posts.

If you combine that with things like #premiership (125K Posts) #championship (2.7 million posts) #conference (3.2 Million posts) #football (67.2 Million posts) i do believe that advertising this game on Instagram could bring a huge range of potential new managers.

The things that would be posted on instagram would of course be screenshots of the game, like following title races and cup runs like in Match of the Day, and highlighting certain managers successes and challenging the people who read the posts to try and beat them. Add the hashtags to each post to reach a wide audience to view the posts. I think these posts would need to be done twice a day to keep the momentum going.

Sunday League version 1 is at the bottom of the login page, and people would need to know it is there, in order to sign up to the correct game, so that would need to be highlighted in the post too. In the ideal world though, this would have it's own log in page...

Even after we attract new managers to sign up, we need to show people how to play the game so they stay long term. Maybe posting tips here and there on social media for the new managers would explain how to play the game, as well as directing them where to find the guides in strategy tips? I'm just thinking of the top of my head here.

I'm sure the same could be done on twitter too, but I'm not really tech-savy so i don't know how it would work.

Thoughts? I imagine something like this would need Juniors approval though? I don't know if anyone here would be interested in running a Sunday League social media page too?
South Shields

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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2020, 03:16:41 PM »
Believe they already have these accounts, but they are sat dormant . . .
Parma Violets

Offline captain_kush

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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2020, 06:27:27 PM »
I wouldn't bother at all doing any of the things you have mentioned even though it would certainly help.

Junior doesn't care about the game anymore and there would be no appreciation if you was to help. It is something Junior should have done years ago along with updating the actual game but we all know why this hasn't happened.
I myself have not even been in contact with Junior in atleast 3 seasons and I don't think I ever will unless something significant was to occur. The final straw for me was him taking 2 seasons to transfer winning credits and hardly replying to messages from me or others in the community. I have offered to help Junior many many times but he does not seem interested at all so I'm done with that.
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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2020, 07:55:22 PM »
Often wondered whether he would be interested in selling up? Be cool to get a consortium of users together and bring the game back to life!! It used to be insane - you couldn't get a place in any of the top 4 divisions in all conferences, across the 8 main servers!!! Then that's before you even start on the club servers, tiscali server, mail servers!

Good times!
Parma Violets

Offline rockline

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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2020, 10:46:39 PM »
Its dificult to bring new managers to here, and they became competitives because they need to spend money and learn the game. If they see that they are trashed many times they give up soon.
I think that the best way is to bring old managers to here, that have played the game at a higher level. Maybe each one of us can bring here two other managers that have played the game before. I have some in my contacts. What do you think?

Offline shellyboy100

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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2020, 09:26:01 AM »
Kush - You're probably right. It's a shame as it is a great game. With advertising and some form of time investment from the owners, this could be the most popular online football manager game

Rockline - It could only improve the game, I introduced a handful of people to Sunday league years ago, but they never went on to be diehard users though, so I doubt they'd have little interest in returning...but if you know anyone who would potentially come back, give it a go.
South Shields

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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2020, 11:58:10 AM »

Rockline - It could only improve the game, I introduced a handful of people to Sunday league years ago, but they never went on to be diehard users though, so I doubt they'd have little interest in returning...but if you know anyone who would potentially come back, give it a go.

If someone more is interested in doing what i said, it would be nice. But we can´t invite everyone at the same time, or they would have problems in the transfer market.

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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2020, 06:25:38 PM »
Took the words out of my mouth Kush. Not worth it sadly.

If any game is gonna be advertised it'll be SL2. SL1 shouldn't even be here anymore. I'd imagine it's only because SL2 flopped. It has nearly killed off both games. SL1 cause it lost probably about 90% of managers to SL2 as you had to give up your SL1 team. And SL2 because that game just wasn't what people wanted.

As much as you'd love to see this game advertised what can you say? The game isn't updated. The game is broken with the sub thing, certain links are broken, lost password is broken and most importantly feedback is (and has been for years) broken.
We are The Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Offline Gull

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Re: Advertisement - Sunday League
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2020, 09:32:40 PM »
Agree with Borg & Kush, really decent idea but it's a shame that Junior doesn't appear to be arsed. I just can't imagine what any new user must think if they just stumbled on the site on the off chance. Feedback not working, problems getting the verification e-mail, promotion credits page not working etc. With the quality of mobile games these days I can't help but think this game wouldn't appeal to anyone other than previous users of SL.

I've recently had a go with SL2 and have enjoyed it to be honest. I think if every team moved from SL1 to SL2 that game would certainly be a more enjoyable experience but appreciate that will probably never happen. And that's something you wouldn't have heard me say a year ago - I've always been dead against SL2 but if I can adjust then others would have no problem if they gave it a try.

Rockline - It would be great if you could get some of the older users back. I just wonder though with things likely getting back to normal towards the end of the year whether or not the activity on SL1 will be as high around Christmas time as it has been in the last couple of months.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 09:46:05 PM by ElGull »