If you do get one you need to get ZombiU, it's awesome...just make sure you have some clean underwear handy and don't play with crosshairs and aim-assist turned off unless you like a real challenge. I had to turn them both on again to complete the Arena, it was bloody impossible without them.
Sonic Racing Transformed is also excellent. The other games I've got you've probably already got for other platforms.
We've got Monster Hunter 3G Ultimate, Lego City Undercover and Aliens Colonial Marines coming up, the latter of which is what the E3 demos, trailers and developer walkthroughs were taken from apparently, which means it could be a completely different game compared to the shite that was released on other platforms. It's believed to be the lead platform for the 'next gen'versions that will be launch or launch window titles for the PS4 and 720...people that forked out for the crappy PS3 and 360 versions are going to be seriously
Trine 2, Little Inferno, Nano Assault Neo, The Cave and Mighty Switch Force are essential purchases in the eShop, and Zen Pinball 2 and Tank!Tank!Tank! are available as F2P games.