Aye, the whole "the controller's more expensive than the console" thing was my first reaction, and still has me scratching my head. If the console's effectively doing all the work and the gamepad's effectively just a controller with a relatively low resolution resistive touchscreen bolted on then how's it come in at over one hundred quid? It's a fisherprice toy ffs.
If you need to go directly to Ninty to get a replacement gamepad, should you break the one in your bundle, it definitely doesn't bode well for the prospect of 2 player any time soon. And if you need to wait more than 6 months after launch before you can play balance multiplayer you might as well wait to see what Sony and Microsoft come up with instead.
So disappointed with this launch.
I've maybe come across as a Nintendo hater in recent months, as I constantly belittle their console, but that's not the case. Most of the put downs are just me arguing the ridiculous over-the-top boasts Harv spouts. I like Nintendo, on the whole, I wanted this console to be good, and I was seriously considering buying it - provided my concerns could be assuaged and the price was reasonable. But they haven't been, and it isn't.