The Cabin In The Woods. (Horror/Sci-Fi/Thriller.)
What a cracking film. Unmistakably Joss Whedon - it has his style as well as a handful of actors familiar to fans of his shows. A horror film that on the surface looks terribly cliched but right from the outset makes it quite apparent that there's a lot more than meets the eye. Ninety minutes long, but took longer to watch as it made me hit the rewind button several times to fully appreciate a few scenes.
To say much more is to risk spoilers.
8.5/10 for me.
Think you've put this film in the wrong category, should be :
The Cabin In The Woods. (Light Horror/Light Comedy) - it has nothing to do with sci-fi really... I wouldnt even categorise it as a thriller either tbh.
Not knowing who Joss Whedon really was, I looked him up as the name sounded familiar and I was disappointed to discover (after I downloaded the film) that he is most notably known as being the screenwriter of Buffy/Angel series... argh! Suffice to say, Im not a fan of those tv programmes (they are american trash after all).
Anyhow, I watched the film.. and your right, its hard to actually talk about it without giving too much away (I had no knowledge of the film prior to watching which is the best way)... however most of the plot was quite predictable from the outset anyway...the twists dont come unexpectedly... the one word that I would use to describe this film.. creative... it certainly did things a bit differently... and as a result it did keep me hooked throughout.. did I enjoy it though? Yes and no, I got the subtle references to other horror films and I even got the OTT homages to certain horror cliches... but did they help the film.. I dont think so, whether you take these parts of the film at face value or take them as critisims/spoofs of other films.. I dont know, I dont really care either.. it feel like it detracted from the films value for me.. however the film did run at a good pace, was mostly interesting to watch and the last 20 minutes were really something!
7/10.. a nice creative horror film (although too much comedy and not enough horror for me).