I hate it when you phone or are called by generally financial institutions, Banks, Insurance companies, etc, and you have to give your life history to talk to someone..........name, address, post code, DOB, mothers maiden name, password, etc etc. Then after 10 minutes the cretin you are talking too can't help, and needs to transfer you to another dept.....then you spend the next 5 minutes giving your, name, address, post code, DOB, mothers maiden name, password, names of the family pet, what direct debits do you have, etc etc, only to be told you are speaking to the wrong dept, and they need to pass you on to another dept......does my head in big time.
This has just reminded me, of a time when I was seriously ill and had to claim incapacity benefit for about a year, no work, wife and 5 kids to support, and the fuckers at social/dss or whatever poncey name it is now called, sent me from dept to dept for weeks untill we got any money......or that's how it felt.