Fuck sake... having a bit of a sesh on Halo matchmaking.. playing the anniversary playlist.. completed about 10 games tonight and still haven't played all the 5 maps since I owned the game... Keep getting bloody Warlock and Shrine... with a few games of Zenith thrown in every now and then... So haven't played Lockout or Stonetown.
Finally get Stonetown up (my favourite map) and start playing.. then after a few minutes of playing and doing well.. the xbox decides the game needs an update and kicks me out
The sooner they get an Objective playlist in the better... the problem with bunging it in with slayer is that 9 times out of 10, everyone will pick the slayer mode.. I don't mind Slayer, but much prefer CTF, Oddball and Bomb type games, plus you generally get better players in objective... I've had a few Slayer games tonight where my team have been bloody awful and in one case, someone commiting suicide constantly. Also they should definitely get an Infection/Grifball playlist in there too... I've seen Grifball in the Halo 3 playlist.. but again its bunged in with everything else so rarely gets picked.
So finished Halo 2 and Halo 3 now... probably going to go back to Halo before doing Halo 4 - some of the achievements seem a bit glitched though... I completed Halo 3 on Heroic and didn't get any of the achievements.. all the missions are complete but the achievements sit at 88% so perhaps one of the levels didn't unlock properly
So much content in this game though.. its crazy.. this probably bests The Orange Box for me in terms of value, content and enjoyment to be had.. and I loved The Orange Box.