Over a grand..?
It would have been cheaper to buy a new car!!!
Have just finished playing The Assembly, which is a game in first person with puzzles. Not too difficult as far as the challenges goes but it's a good story and, being an Unreal Engine 4 game, it looks great. Can be playing in VR or flat but the best experience of course is in VR. Cost 15 quid and is around 3 hours long I think so it's a bit pricey but I really enjoyed it. The voice of the female lead is REALLY familiar, not too sure what she's been in but I know that voice from somewhere.
My enjoyment of the game was hampered by the Touch controls being lumbered with snap/comfort turning which I couldn't manage to turn off so I just played it with the gamepad instead which is a shame.
Now that I've got my tracking issues sorted out for my Touch controllers I think I'm going for Doom 3 in VR next, I loved that game back in the day and will quite happily play through it again.
Have also been meaning to play through some of my flat backlog of games on Steam using VorpX but I haven't got around to doing that either. The first Bioshock game is supposed to be amazeballs in VR so I'm going to have to give that a go soon.
I'm still hoping that Sega and Valve are going to announce that Alien Isolation and Half Life 2 are going to have VR patches. So frustrating that neither one of them have done this yet, they had VR support ages ago and whilst it wasn't perfect they're two of the best VR experiences of all time apparently before they patched the VR out.
I also need to get back into The Climb now that my Touch controllers are back in action, it's hands-down the best VR game out there at the moment imo, and I've only done the Easy and Medium difficulty climbs for each region so far...I need to do both Boulder climbs in each region and the Hard difficulty climbs for each region too. Problem is that I'm not too good with heights so I have to play the game in small doses otherwise my legs tend to go a bit wobbly lol