Have given it a go and unlike Fallout 4 VR and Doom VFR it's very good. It still has a few issues here and there but they're only minor and most of them can be tweaked by changing some values in the INI file.
Have just started adding a few mods now, there are LOADS of them that are working without any issues, a few that are partially working and two or three so far that aren't working at all. Some of those partially working and non working ones are being worked on by the modders concerned which is cool.
Very happy paying 32 quid for It, money well spent I think.
No performance issues either but there's a huge bug that stops your hit box moving with you if use room scale VR but that should be a quick and easy fix for Bethesda to do.
Going to add all of the graphics mods, environment mods and immersion mods first and then see what tickles my fancy later on.