He's always been that useless lol. I've been living here for probably 12 or 13 years and have had 3 different landlords/letting agents in charge of the building and they've all been the same. Really slow to get things done and then when they are getting done they do everything on the cheap which long-term is a REALLY stupid thing to do. They pay a pittance for cowboys to do the work using shite materials and a year or two later they have to do it all again.
My Mum and step-father have a place that they rent and he's in the building game so everything is done properly, they've hardly spent a penny on it after buying the place and doing it up.
I think I'm going to move out soon, I'm just fed up with it all.
£775 pcm for the flat too, and it's only a studio flat (although it does have a separate kitchen).
Mind you, now that I'm charging him £70 per month DET and he's paying for all the electricity I don't mind if he takes months to sort it out now lol