Author Topic: E3 2017  (Read 18151 times)

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E3 2017
« on: May 30, 2017, 11:29:08 PM »
No links in the first post, if memory serves, so blah blah blah filler filler filler...
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2017, 11:30:18 PM »
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Offline harv

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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2017, 06:11:55 PM »
No Oculus this year at E3 which is disappointing but they don't have any new hardware to show so I guess it's understandable.

Star Trek Bridge Crew released yesterday for the Rift, Vive and PSVR with cross-platform play so Ubisoft seem to be all-in with supporting VR so I'm expecting a big announcement or two from them regarding VR games/experiences.

Going to be interesting to see what ZanyMax are going to do with Doom and Fallout 4 VR with regards to Oculus Rift support following Oculus and the other defendants appealing the court decision. I can see them doing some sort of hardware check the same way that Google with Google Earth VR but it won't be long before somebody hacks it and allows Rift owners to play them.

Couldn't give a monkeys what any of the platform holders are up to though, all consoles are dead to me since I joined the VR and PC Master Race :P
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2017, 11:54:12 PM »
Hoping for a release date from Sony for Gran Turismo Sport. Also looking forward to the new Assassins Creed reveal (hopefully)  :)

Would love to see plans for Elder Scrolls 6 or Canis Canem Edit 2 but highly unlikely once again especially the latter.  :(
Arcadia Bay | FKA The One United

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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2017, 02:04:01 AM »
Disappointed to hear Aisha Dixon won't be hosting Ubi's presser this year. Instead we just get Yves and the developers... :(
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2017, 06:25:04 PM »
Disappointed to hear Aisha Dixon won't be hosting Ubi's presser this year. Instead we just get Yves and the developers... :(

I've always found her to be quite annoying tbh, although she certainly is fit.

We'll be seeing Microsoft's Virtual Mixed Reality headsets from HP and Acer during their keynote but they're using inside-out tracking (meaning the cameras are on the headset rather than external and pointing towards the headset) so any motion controllers are only going to be tracked when you're looking at them. You're going to lose tracking of the things pretty regularly.

I can't believe that both Sony AND Microsoft have shit the bed with regards to VR tracking. It's hands-down the most important thing to get right with a VR system.  :-\
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2017, 10:37:38 PM »
Microsoft's presser is going amazingly well so far.

Can't believe how small that console is.
Forza looks amazing, as always, though driving games aren't my cup of tea.
Assassin's Creed looks good - and is always fun.
State of Decay looks fantastic.

Edit: I was already looking forward to Crackdown, but that looks fantastic - and adding Terry Crews always improves anything :D
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 11:09:40 PM by Late »
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2017, 08:14:05 AM »
I didn't watch any of it.. stupid time to be on..

They'll have a tough time shifting the X1X at £449/$499 is what I thought.. I do want one and will get one.. but unsure I want to stretch that far for one at launch - I'll probably get a pre-order in somewhere and decide closer to the looks the biz anyway.

Glad theres no Kinect/VR system in there. ;D

« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 08:17:56 AM by jman »

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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2017, 03:25:32 PM »
It's been a pretty poor E3 for VR so far. Fallout 4 VR doesn't have any hands, the Pip Boy use looks button driven and the Vive controller models look VERY out of place in the Fallout universe. Some VERY questionable design decisions there. The only good thing about the trailer is that they've shown that the game has free locomotion. It's also going to be a full price separate version too, with no discount for people that have bought the original. I think I'll just end up playing it using VorpX and the Xbox One controller.

Doom VR has hands so they've got that right but during the trailer I didn't see any free locomotion being used which is going to be a pain in the arse and a major prevention of presence in the game.

Hopefully both of these games will be modded quickly enough to solve some of these problems.

No news of a VR version of Super Lucky's Tale yet, 'at this time' according to a Playful rep in Twitter, and I don't like the new art style compared to the original. The original game had a cartoony and Pixar-quality animation look to it but the sequel makes Lucky the squirrel look pretty odd.

Nothing VR from EA either but I guess the numbers aren't there for them to invest much into VR development.

We've still got Ubisoft's conference to come in nearly 6 hours and Sony's one 3 hours later I think but the Sony one isn't going to be relevant to me personally. Hopefully there's going to be something big on the way from them anyway though.

Still, Oculus have a major title releasing every month for the rest of the year so I'm going to stay busy, starting with Mage's Tale on the 20th which looks pretty good. No free locomotion in that though I don't think.
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2017, 06:40:53 PM »
To anyone who isn't currently watching the pc presser:
a) I'm jealous of you; and
b) Don't bother watching it later.

What a snorefest. Lots of talking, especially about esports, barely any games (other than card games - yeah way to go, master race, you can play card games. That's so 1337 :/ ).
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2017, 07:18:04 PM »
Lone Echo has now been given a release date, 20th July. Another one I'm going to pre-order I think. There's a fiver off in the Oculus Store same as there was for Mage's Tale.

This has been a piss poor E3 for VR headset owners so far, hopefully both Ubisoft and Sony are going to bring some proverbial meat to the table.

I think going by the lack of AAA quality games  (apart from Fallout 4 and Doom VR which both have issues) announced at E3 so far that we're going to see Oculus funding VR developers with another $250,000. I was expecting it anyway but I was hoping some third party publishers would have announced more quality VR titles on the way.
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2017, 09:06:02 PM »
Disappointed to hear Aisha *Tyler* won't be hosting Ubi's presser this year. Instead we just get Yves and the developers... :(

Ugh, I called that right. The presentation this year is excruciating. We've currently got a Japanese man and a French man doing an incredibly stilted presentation in English.
(Not a criticism of their language skills. They're both better in our language than I am in theirs. But I'm not trying to do a presentation to another country. If I were I'd get someone who speaks their language to fill in for me... :| )
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Offline stupac

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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2017, 09:32:34 PM »
Assassin's Creed Origins looks pretty awesome. Hopefully by going back to the roots they can refresh the series and bring back some of the magic of the earlier games.

Not been watching live so only seen EA and a bit of Microsoft. Looking forward to seeing Sony and Bethesda and also what else Ubisoft have got.

Also £450 for Xbox One X lol.
Arcadia Bay | FKA The One United

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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2017, 10:31:37 PM »
Ubisoft just finished.

The Mario/Rabbids game looks much better than I was expecting - but that seems to be because it's a total xcom rip off.

Far Cry 5 and South Park look great, but we already knew that.
We didn't see enough of the South Park mobile game to properly assess it, but it looks pretty interesting.

Skull and Bones looks good but seems to be aimed at multiplayer rather than single player, which is a shame.

Beyond Good & Evil looks interesting. I never played the original (actually I did play it a little bit a couple of years ago but couldn't get into it - it just seemed very old. Which is fair enough - it is very old).

We didn't see much Assassin's Creed, but we saw enough in the Microsoft presser - it looks very good.
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Re: E3 2017
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2017, 02:12:12 AM »
Well I'd give my thoughts on the PlayStation presentation but I think I'm going to have to watch it again. Missed the first 30 minutes (don't judge me but I got caught up watching some tattoo fixers crap on the telly), the stream kept buffering, and the audio dropped to a whisper for several minutes.

Saw some pretty visuals when I was watching, but due to their​ streaming problems I ended up spending more time looking at a game on my phone than I did looking at the stream on the telly...
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