Hello Kush,
Thanks for your reply. I think we are all very frustrated at the moment which is why a lot of managers have fallen away. Fall off happens naturally but at the moment, new managers cannot join as when they register, their accounts need to be verified by sundayleague. This does not seem to be happening which means we have no new recruits coming on board.
It is the new players that add renewed interest to the game. It gets boring if you play the same team three times in a day, (which happened to me a few weeks ago). I think this is something you could look at as a priority.
I suspect that access to the forum is also a problem which might be why so few are using it at the moment.
Lastly, if we had regular updates, from you or junior, maybe every 2 or 3 weeks, or if there were small changes that we could all see, I think that would help to keep people interested. I suspect that most people are becoming disillusioned becuase they see no one driving the game. If this changed, then I think people's morale would improve drastically which in turn might help to improve your own motivation.