Congrats Mihai on winning FL1! looks like the title and potentially the champions shield aswell so a pretty fine season all round.
Hopefully we can avoid coming last in the UCB aswell
Thanks mate! it was a fantastic battle till the end. when I lost to Super Imps I thought: that's it ... it ended ... but Richard made 3 wrong steps in his last three games and I succeed to win the title.
As for the Championship Shield final, I will meet Ty Jones' - one of the greatest managers in Sunday league (just look at Corinthian Clowns and Ravens of England history page and you will know what I mean) - he will not make it easy for me.
hope we can avoid the wooden spoon in the UCB, allthough George is retiring from Roman Empire Reserve and I made a bad choice choosing Attack Attack Consolidated instead of Bolton, Real Madrid or Liwerwood Luddites.
Aaaa, I've forgott: Congratulations for winning FL3 and I wish you all the luck in FL2 next season and hopefully a new promotion.