That was just an example, they do do USB 3.0 ones now.
As for the 90 tb of data, a very high percentage of it is perfectly legal backups of the thousands of CDs and DVDs I own, plus digital copies of the 30,000 comic book collection I have.
I am a perfect example of the fact that there are two types of downlaoder, the ones who wouldn't buy the stuff in the first place and the ones who buy a lot more because they download. I've literally just come back from Asda and impulse bought the Game of Thrones box set. It was just as cheap in Asda as it is on Play at the moment.
I prefer to own a cd rather than have it purely on MP3, MP3's are just more convenient for the car because I can cram so many on a single disc or USB stick. A lot of the bands I've discovered I've done so because I've seen something, downloaded it, liked it, bought the back catalogue (as cheaply as possible) and if I really like them I'll see them live too.
It's bizarre that I prefer to own the DVD/Blu-ray when I can stcik a whole series on a usb stick and don't have to keep changing discs. Half my dvd collection is still in it's cellophane.
I'd rather go and see a film at the cinema, well a lot of films anyway. Some you look at and think it just doesn't need the big screen experience.
It's also the case that the real fans of music, film and tv are the ones being ripped off systematically by the media companies, not the other way round. How long do you wait before buying a copy? Buy it at the extortionate price when it is first released, wait a few months for the price to come down, wait a bit longer so you don't have to buy the special edition as well, or wait 10 or 20 years for the special anniversary edition.
Star Wars has to be the prime example of exploting fans of a film series. Videos, then DVD's, then remastered DVDs, then box sets. then blu-rays, now the 3D versions. It's the real fans that are targeted.
The prices they charge are wll over the top, and then when retailers like Play, CDWOW etc prove they can be sold cheaper, they take them to court to try and prevent them from doing so.
Sales would not increase by anywhere near the amount media companies and their cronies in Government would have you believe they are losing through downloading. In fact in many cases sales would suffer. The government are using this as a way of implementing more of a big brother state. It will backfire on them spectacularly as technology for downloading will take on higher levels of encryption, people will turn to VPNs. Backstreet knock off Nigel's will start springing up again and the knock offs from China and Eastern Europe will really take off. More knock offs will be sold throgh e-bay, and it will be virtually impossible for them to stop, which will also mean more people thinking they are buying genuine articles will be getting conned.