Finished "Remember Me" recently. It's a futuristic world where it's possibly to remix peoples' memories - erase bad memories, replace them with good ones, etc.
Wish that shit was real. Then I could get the treatment and I'd remember the game as being good.
Unfortunately that tech doesn't exist, so I distinctly remember being rather disappointed. The memory remix sequences were pretty cool, but weren't used anywhere near as much as they should've been. There's only 3 or 4 times you use the ability. (I say "3 or 4" not because I've forgotten - more that it's done 4 times but one of them is a remix of a scene you've previously already done.)
Shame. The remixes are cool. You change someone's memory of an event and their entire world outlook can change - and you can see how tiny changes play out before rewinding the scene and altering it again.
The majority of the game, though, is a fairly run-of-the-mill fighter. Run along this corridor, into an open area, fight a bunch of baddies, climb the ladder, eun along another corridor - and try not to be too surprised when the big room at the end of said corridor turns out to have a load of baddies in it. The fighting itself wasn't horrendous - it had some nice twists to it - but it became way too repetitive.
If they make a sequel I'll probably buy it - so long as it has a lot more memory remixes in it.
Started watching "The Shield" again recently, and seeing the LA gang violence etc. must've gotten me hankering for some GTA: San Andreas - so I'm currently replaying that (pc/steam). Naturally the graphics are pretty lame by today's standards, but the game still stands up very well. Might have to play GTA 4 and 5 after I'm finished with this.